I'm still alive....

Amy likes the sliding doors, so we're getting sliding doors. Good idea! I was also planning on a small simple deck to hold a table, chairs, and a grill. Someplace I can sit and relax....Which isn't happening anytime soon!

The toilet was the domino theory in action: The old toilet was leaking at the wax seal and coming through the ceiling in the kitchen. Since the old toilet bowl had to come out, I bought a new, water efficient unit to replace it. Then the flange cracked...then the ceiling had to come out to replace the flange & pipe....and the tiles came up in the bathroom....

Today I had the aluminum siding pressure washed and I cleaned the foundation & trim before I painted it. I pulled off a piece of water damaged trim and found a leak into the porch. The puddle of water IN my porch extended my to-do list......and so it goes.

Just like the %$#@#$% car.....