Dash lights

I'm using LED's in my 69 Fastback, they are a huge improvement. I also took the blue filters of the back of the cluster. You will see them if you have them. I got the bulbs from superbrightleds.com (St Louis, MO), I am using both the 4 WLED and the 5 WLED bulbs. Read their website to find out what might work best for you, and buy them from where ever you want. The main thing to watch our for is polorized bulbs, the only work one way. This can be a pain if you need to change a bulb and put it in backwards. You would have to pull the socket out, turn the bulb and put it back in.

One other thing you might want or need to do is change your flasher to an electronic one. If you don't put LED's in the directional sockes, then you won't need it, but it will not hurt if you use one with normal bulbs.