4.0L HO Jeep Engine Build
Now on to cam choice. I wanted to stay stock due to the computer configuration so I decided on the early cam. Here's the specs, early first.
As you can see, the early cam is hotter and that's what my computer is set for. More lift and duration. They split and dropped the duration and lift vs. the early cam to meet emission standards then kept the power up with a much improved intake manifold which I will also be swapping on with the addition of 24 lb. four hole disc type injectors from a mustang GT instead the factory pintle style. This just gives the computer more headroom to provide more fuel under demand and should give better atomization as well.
Like I said before, this is kind of like a super stock build.... The best of the best that Chrysler offered (and some Ford parts, lol) to bring out the best that this engine can offer without computer changes and a stock idling daily driver. Maybe I'll fail big time, maybe not. I've researched this pretty thouroghly so I guess maybe I'm just a mad scientist. :)