My 62 Valiant

Ok then! thanks for the info about the clifford things, I might just hold off now with getting the 4 barrel and headers and the cam. So i might just find a 2 barrel for it and just go with that for now. (I think my brother-in-law might have one)

Also according to the previous owner of the car he, said that he had them rebuilt not to much longer after he got rid of it the first time.
He says that he re did the brakes then sold car then he bought it back and just parked it behind the garage and thats were its been, so the brakes are 5 years old or so but are all new.
Sould I invest in getting them re-done again? or just make sure the ones that are on it are good? My dad drove the car home and he said that it never had a problem stoping, and it was a 5 mile drive or so.