anybody running indys or stage 6 in a duster ?

OK,I get it you think the flow bench that served MSD for years isnt good enough,no problem..the flow bench Im building is from plans supplied in a magazine.

Like I said designed and built by MSD's engineer for thier testing purposes. Good enough for them,good enough for me.

Why isnt it good enough for you? Literally thousands of guys build stuff in thier garage at home.
MP does use a low bidder system. But I also know that 80% of hi perf parts need mods before you can use them,doesnt matter what brand.
And wouldnt YOU keep your costs as low as possible if you were mp?

I also know you could have ran into problems with your rocker shafts because CHAPMAN maybe changed something about the mp heads so you HAVE to use thier product. Geez big companies NEVER do that,lol...either way you ended up with chapmans products.

I cant count how many times I've seen easily fixable problems solved by throwing more parts and money at it when a little thinking would have done the same.

Dowel holes are a minor issue so I dont see it as an arguement for mp not fixing major issues.

I've had the heads poured over both by myself,my best friend and a reasonably competent machinist. We can find no problems,but things arise as the build continues so I will let all know what I find. I think I will go pull a stock rocker shaft off my 400 and see how well it mates up.

As for having people you trust doing the flow testing/building etc,it's shocking how quickly ethics get left behind when theres a few bucks to be made...

It's why I do most everything myself.