anybody running indys or stage 6 in a duster ?

One other note here. There are no less than 7 different castings for the satge vi head,so yes I supect that mp would have solved many of the problems with these heads.

I wasnt really clear on which version I have.

P5249579. This is the max wedge port version with a 75 cc combustion chamber. So I think 290-300 ootb is reasonable considering what they are.

It's funny. I did a search on stage vi heads and couldnt find any unhappy customers?? Maybe the unhappy ones are just keeping quiet,lol...NOT!!!

These heads are capable of ridiculous amounts of power. About the only caveat I can find is dont raise the roof too hi on the standard port version,as you will break into the spring pocket which is very deep.It has also been mentioned that the spring pockets should have a bit better drainage to allow the valve seals to do thier job.

The only casting flash I can find on my heads is around the pushrod area from machining. Should clean up with a die grinder in about 5 minutes or less,oh no!!

I think these heads can push an A body deep into the 9's with some lightening and proper attention to suspension etc.

So far the only difficulty Im having is finding ductile iron rockers with the right offset for the intake..