Cuda is MISSING.....?

I also wanna say this...
These, well...most of these car hauler driver types are diks and drive when too tired and sometimes drive while under the influence of meth/speed/crank/half a box of 'no dose' get the picture. 4 instance when I was coming down old 395 from adelano ca, this azzwipe prk lip driver began backing up in bumper to bumper traffic so he could turn aroun and take the 58 instead in which he had 3 of us behind him beeping to no avail and taping bumpers together for the rest of us....when I got out of the truck and ran up to his cab I said, ''WTF are U doing backing up in the middle of the frukin street U fruk face sob????'' he said....'oh well...I wanted to turn around, I'm late'

guys like these are VERY stupid and should be yanked from their rig and beaten un concious and impaled on the smoke stack as an example!!!