Cuda is MISSING.....?

"I got what I paid for" he stated above?

He's a car hauler himself, I take it, and says "I got what I paid for"........That's really interesting, especially since no one knows "what" I paid...and I also take it that he believes "what I paid for" is a "late delivery", and absolutely NO COMMUNICATION concerning the whereabouts of my car !!

Did I read that correctly?
I think I did.

I have to wonder if this guy pulls some of the same garbage, and that's why he's on such a defensive.......? I'm just tryin' to put 2 and 2 together here...... It was bad enough to have to deal with my Broker's lack of communication and wondering what's happened to my car...Now I get attacked!

I wonder how much business he'll drum up by smearing me for believing I paid for courteous communication.......!!! Why, the NERVE of me !!