Thanks, Mark . . . here is what I have got from your advice . . .
1. I will go with the simple cam solution . . . no notching! Not my gift set.
2. The 65 4bbl carb would be best . . . but since it is a summer project and short time to find, I may have to compromise and go with aftermarket . . . 600cff or less with a little jetting . . . . then, knowing the air cleaner may be an issue.
3. Remember that the factory 4bbl kickdown linkage or an aftermarket cable setup
4. I will look for pre-notched exhaust and definitely want to do the x-pipe.
5. Plan for this to turn into a four day a week commuter into Atlanta a couple of days a week in good weather . . . that means 15 miles on 2 lane country twisties then 15 on an 8 lane interstate to get to work (and of course back again). So, a mid gearing solution best for me. Keeping the 4 speed manual in it . . . so 3.55 seems the best compromise?
6. No low profile look for me, but those 13 inch tires, wheels, and hubcaps will have to go in storage. Going to go with the 8 3/4 rear end . . . desire the tallest, widest tires and wheels I can. I will just have to measure after the rear end goes in and order from there . . . like tall and wide as possible, but with no rubbing!
Since there are no other 64 Dart GT 273s around my area, just going to trust blind on the exhaust and xpipe . . . any specific suggestions? I am not a tuner sound guy, want as low and growly as I could get . . . I know it is not a muscle car, but like a mini-muscle sound would be great . . . suggestions?
Thanks, Mark . . . I can't get into the shop until Tuesday, but I can start the carb search!
Open to more coaching in this thread!!! And I appreciate it from all!