'All-American' Car Show Rant - What's Your Opinion?

so dont go.

I received a car show pre-registration form in the mail yesterday for a car show about 90 miles from me put on by the city's local Mopar car club. The show benefits several local military family charity organizations and I'm all for that.
The thing that bothers me is that the show has always been, and still is billed as an "All-American Car Show". However, it seems this year that this show is no longer All-American.
The show flyer reads, "The [car club name] is expanding our annual All-American Car Show to include all two and four wheel vehicles, foreign and domestic, that personify the All-American spirit." I fully appreciate that their show benefits military families through several military charity organizations, and also that they want to maximize the amount of money they can raise for both organizations, but opening up a show titled "All-American Car Show" to both 2-wheel and 4-wheel ricers just seems wrong to me.
Sorry for the rant.
By the way, even if my Mopar was finished, I wouldn't be making the 180-mile roundtrip drive to show it against a bunch of bowties, blue ovals, and assorted rice-a-ronies.
Now I'm curious - how do y'all feel about this?