The first site I linked to has some interesting info on tweaking the timing and A/F ratio. You can add a potentiometer setup to the MAP sensor to tweak the part-throttle A/F, elongate the CPS mounting holes for more timing advance, relocate the MAT sensor to the air cleaner to richen WOT, and add in an adjustable fuel pressure regulator for even more A/F tuning.
Yep, I'm aware of the MAP sensor mods. :) The problem with the CPS mod that it's a bear to get to and and it increases timing across the board. There's really no way to increase initial and limit total. The pressure reg is again, another 130 bucks.
However this stuff only really works on the '96-down engines, as you said the later OBD-II computers are more sensitive to mods. The auto-trans computers are also a little less tune-able than the manual-trans ones. If you look at that stroker list again you can see the stock PCM is still good up to ~275 HP, even with the "big" Comp 206*/214* @ .050" cam. The trick is properly-sized injectors and playing around with the sensors and fuel pressure. Higher compression would also allow you to run a bigger cam with the stock computer, of course.