4.0L HO Jeep Engine Build
A few days back I blew off dinner, grabbed a big mug of java and got to work.
1. Here we are with the factory main cap brace installed.
2. This is the cheapy gasket I got with the MP HV oil pump.
3. I replaced it with this gasket from the gasket kit from Rock Auto. Fel-Pro all the way!
4. The HV pump requires a little clearancing on the oil pan but not much really. A propane torch and a ball-peen hammer took care of business. Keep in mind that there are two bolts that hold the oil pump on. The lock washer goes on the short bolt and the lockwasher and flat washer go on the long bolt. Dont forget the big dowel pin!
5. You can see here where I made the "modification". :-D I double checked clearance between the pick up and pan after bending the pickup to match the bottom of the pan. Nothing more than some muscle is required here.