best disc brakes for sbp
Well, after sniffing around a local cruise in with my 71 and GSD, I came home to find the rotor had arrived. After dinner I checked it out. I noted that the pilot hole was much bigger than the SBP. I grabbed a 10" spindle and hub and got to work. Mounting the rotor on the hub showed me a single plate bracket would indeed work, and our faithful Celebrity caliper* would fit fine - but not inside the stock drum rim...
Hmm. I checked our caliper selection and grabbed a 65 Mustang caliper that is the same as the KH Mopar unit - not a chance in hell of fitting inside the rim (whomever told me that this fits is FOS). I have not checked into if the caliper will bolt up to the spindle via bracket without interference.
I now have a few questions:
Did the OEM Rally's have a large pilot, around 2.78"?
Is anybody actually interested in a set of brackets that would use the KH pieces? If this site could get 5 firm orders, I would do the R&D to make it go IF it is possible...
*Celebrity caliper do lots of things very well: they are very cheap, have large pistons, mount very well, have excellent slider assy., and really hug the rotor (think clearance). Very few calipers fit where they can, and certainly not as cheaply... oh, and hose mounting is quite flexible too. Only issue is some think Celebrity= garbage.