eddy heads or prt a set of J heads

dude...you need to divuldge what that 1400 covers if your porting only costs $250.LOL

Thats bull sheeet

Bull sheeet? Why, because you're too cheap? I'll stand by my results and you can kiss my *** :bootysha:.

For purposes of satisfying yet another "moper's a bull **** artist" line from the head peanut of the gallery... I'll post it and you can call me bullshit and an asshole yet again:
This is what I pay for on every set of iron heads I use, mine or my customers', whether street or race. I believe performance rebuilding means ending up with a better result than the factory could provide on their best day. I use Larry's Auto Machine in Groton, CT and the pricing on my quoting sheet comes from the most recent receipts from there: degreasing, magging, airless shotting, new unleaded seats, new guides or liners, cutting guides for positive seals(if liners used), cutting spring seats for dual springs, 5 angle Serdi valve job, milling deck surface to set chamber size (to my spec), cutting intake surface as needed. By my latest price guide that's about $900. and I pay others to do this work. I will disassemble and I inspect and reassemble after porting and cleaning and that I will charge for.
What I buy for parts:
New stainless performance valves, seat inserts, guides or inserts, seals, springs to match cam, retainers, locks to match valves and retainers, new core plugs, and new studs. Most of this is part number dependant on the price, but rough pricing is $200 for valves, $200 for springs, another $80ish for retainers, locks, and seals, CT state tax of 6%, and shipping. Then the porting. I bill my labor at $50/hour and most Stage 2 jobs will take me a couple hours per head. In most cases I spend more time than I bill, but of course I'm an overcharging asshole so you won't believe it. My customers get a full quote before any money changes hands and the last one I believe was within $300 of the estimate on a complete engine job, carb to pan. Not to mention I let him help take it apart and inspect at my house, stored it at my house, lent out my equipment to him to move/install it, and photo documented everything.

So for the last time :thebirdm:

Sorry if this is off topic.