Guy F***** me over

I feel for you, I got F****D over by a member on this site for over $2200.00 on a set of heads and pistons..........I had to buy NEW and THROW THE CHITTTT in the trash! And another member who sold me a POS pair of Inboard Spring boxes for $51.00......believe that guy needs $51.00 soooooooooo bad that he would screw someone over?? I threw those in the trash also!!!!!!!!! I really wish he just said I need $51.00, I would have just gave it to him!

Be thankful that at least you still have something to work with and it seems like you got a good deal........Yes it seems you were lied to but you are on your way to a GREAT end result once you are done with it! I just bought a 67 Dart GT with a blown up 6cyl and 7 1/4 rear for 2k FWIW!