CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

There are almost none of those first-gen minivans left up here.. haven't seen one that solid since I was in high school ('90-'94), practically.

As for the mudflaps, as far as I can see they're just excellent tinworm breeding sites- and our F150 fenders don't need the help, especially with the plastic inner fenders bolted to the wheel-lip. Just about the first thing I did when I got my '92 four years ago was throw away the mudflaps and start attacking the rust.. But, I was already too late, and eventually my front fenders looked like this behind the bondo, fibreglas, and lower section patch made from dryer sheetmetal..

Finally got sick of the "penny-wise, pound foolish" approach this March:

Last week I traded an 18-pack of Miller ($16.64) to a buddy for a driver's fender, so I get to do it all again.. but, no more bondo! :toothy10: