Super Bird/ Daytona Sales

with ONE huge exception being the war.. i would just loved to have lived in the muscle car times.. kind of like in movies you see.. with all these mean cars passing everywhere.. one of my favorite movies from the early 90s is DAZED AND CONFUSED. took place back in 77. it seemed so fun if you were around 15 or 16 years of age back then.

around 1997 or so my dad and i was riding in our 70 satellite when we were stopped at a gas station.. the fellow was real nice and he thought the car was cool then he said "i love the car.. there is one right up the street from me for sale for $2000 that looks just like it except it looks funny... it has a pointy nose and something tall on the deck lid." Dad goes how fast does your car go? nevermind give me directions..

We left the gas station and drove straight over (KINDA QUICKLY).. there sat a refrigerator white superbird.. just like the fellow said.. too bad a guy from across town got to it before we did!!!!