any 80s rock you like to listen to in ur mopar?

My take is based on growing up in the 80s- rolling my 67 notch 1987-88 with hideaway head unit and two 6X9s blaring. And Justice For All just came out. Sweet Child of Mine was on the radio.

First of all there is nothing that comes close to Megadeth and Metallica. That stuff was underground at the time- NEVER heard it on the radio... until the black album came out in 1990- and even then it had to be after midnight.

Warrant, (later) Def Leppard, Poison, Stryper, Cindarella, White Lion, Great White, etc. were all poseurs at the time. Since, some have become legit, but at the time it was for ladies only.

On the other side of the spectrum Slayer, Motorhead, WASP and a bunch of others were for head-bangers only.... and playing that risked alienating the ladies.

Guns and Roses get the prize for dropping right in the middle of the 80s and, while popular (on the radio), somehow were cool, too. Metallica got there with the Enter Sandman, but it took them longer.

All of the 60s and 70s bands were in play, too. Led Zeppelin, Sabbath (Ozzy), Cheap Trick, Alice Cooper, Stones, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, Ted Nugent, Allman Bros, KISS, etc.

For the rap guys, yeah a bunch of headbangers got into NWA and stuff, but that was toward the end of the era. Enter crack. The first wave (Kool and the Gang, Run DMC, Fat Boys, et al) was fun, but the later gansta stuff not so much, IMO.

And for the kids who didn't live it, catch The Decline of Western Civilization Part II:The Metal Years.