Finally the 66 Dart is here!!

Hi Mike,did you decide wether your going dual or single exhaust?I really like the sound of the 3 into 1 with duals IMO.I won,t be needing a neckbrace as I have the drag seat and harness,I,ll be strapped in good and tight.LOL

PS I have to swap out my rad and fans(dammit)the dual Audi fans draw 120 amps(woah)60 amps per fan is way to much for my little electrical system(80 amp alt.)So,back to my old rad and fan for now.We,ll see if it,s up to par?If not I,ll be getting a flexalite elec. fan (11 amps)Til later...8)

I am going to run dual's to the tail shaft and stay single for know petty
I would like to keep it quit and just getting the potato out of my exhaust is the biggest thing I needed to do so it will let my little 390 Holley have some where to go, Who know's I may get to the Muffler shop and change my mind.
Creed want's me to dump dual's out in front of my drivers side rear tire
dammit man!! That cooling system fit so good, sorry to hear you have to take it out. But I bet you can get-er-dun :-D