Super Bird/ Daytona Sales

My little story about this topic is from Late 1969. I was only 2 years old but later in life my Dad would tell me the story almost anytime he saw a winged car.

We lived outside of Detroit at the time and my Dad went past the Hamtrack Plant frequently in the course of his job (he sold office supplies). Well, seems we needed a new car and my Dad was looking into either a Camaro or a Challenger. He went to the plant to take a look at the Challenger and said he saw "rows and rows" of Winged Cars (must have been Daytonas). When he asked about them, he was told he could get one for $1800.00! He said he gave it some thought but figured my Mom would shoot him if he came home with "one of those big, ugly, monsters." He ended up buying a 70 Challenger SE B5 Blue, White Vinyl Roof, White Interior 318 for about $2900. That's right he spent more 50% more to get a 318 Challenger when he could have had a Six-Pack Daytona!

Bottom Line - as pretty as we think they are now, back then, they were downright fugly