battery keeps dieing

Good info 66Val. If you can jump start it and get it started, disconnect the positive cable. If the engine stays running, the alternator is putting out some power. You either have a bad battery, a bad alternator, or a short,draw, or a wiring problem. If you don't have a multimeter do you have a test light? Connect test light between the positive post and the positive clamp. If the light is lit you have a draw that is running your battery down. If the light is bright do your multimeter a favor and don't use it to test amps. It will blow the internal fuse or worse. If the light is bright and you feel the need to find out how many amps it's drawing, get a inductive pickup amp clamp to test. 66Val was right on when he suggested pulling fuses one at a time to isolate the circuit that is causing the draw. Once you figure which circuit is causing the draw you can unplug components in that circuit to isolate the cause of the draw. There are still variables when you diagnose electrical but these suggestions are a start. Pretty hard to diagnose over the net. Hope this helps. toolmanmike