any 80s rock you like to listen to in ur mopar?

Well I only have an AM radio in my Mopar so I mostly get static :-D

My son used to listen to RAP and while a lot of it is offensive, a lot of it isn't as well, like Will Smith, it sells and has a huge following, that would make it very credible. Saying RAP isn't credible is like saying comedy isn't because a few guys like Prior, Murphy and Chris Rock all relied on cursing as an integral part of their comedy. I never found that funny, listen to Bill Cosby, 10 times as funny as those guys and like most comedians no cursing required.

If you don't think Jigaboo is a racist reference, I suggest you try it out on the next group of black folks you encounter :-D

rap is mostly a black elitists genre of 'sound'
It's full of words, body language, and resentment that us caucasians can mostly not relate or get away with even saying. It is not for everyone to listen to but just a certain group, it caters and does nothing for the world but glamorize the petty animalistic behavior of a few.
Then there some who mistakenly use this style of sound to try and convey good things because it's the only way they'll be heard by who they target.

too bad a lot kids find their own culture boring and uninteresting, or should say lacking of the shock and ahh they're desensitized receptors desire.