Super Bird/ Daytona Sales

I don't think anyone really knows EXACTLY how many were made &what percentage turned into racecars. I heard a story about when some Nascar officials came to inspect the required number Chrysler was abit short & kept bringing some of the same cars past the officials & telling them: "See! We made enough for racing!" and NASCAR bought it. Eventually enough did get built & as I recall something like 1500 (?) wing cars were built in all.
As an aside to this, I once had a co-worker who sold cars during the first gas shortage. I asked him if he ever sold any Hemi cars of any type out of the dealership. He said he didn't recall any but DID remember getting a Hemi powered/4-spd Daytona in on trade. Now remember these cars were"undesirable" when new & during the first gas shortage when everyone was panicking, you couldn't give 'em away. He said the dealership gave the guy about $800 for the car & he was happy. So in the interest of seeing just what the dealership had now acquired, my friend took the car to the edge of town to see what it could do. He said he played with it,launched it a few times, power-shifted it, etc., etc. then decided to see what it'd really do. He gets it up to about 85mph then floors it! He said the car got sideways, going all over the palce until he regains control. At that point he decided to head back to the dealership as it was just too much for him! (the wuss!). He was truly impressed & has been a Mopar fan ever since.