318 tunnel ram street friendly?

in fact bud i have had my car for 6 years now go it when i was 12. ive been aquiring parts since age 15. right now im just window shopping. and asking questions and gaining knowledge im asking if tunnel rams are street friendly not how to make a list and plan it out. and im not ''all over the place' as you say it. im just trying to be a rugular poster. if i have a question i rely on you guys to help me. not give me BS answers like form a plan. and how am i supposed to form a plan without knowing what parts to buy?
You need to learn to do your own research. Get some books on building performance motors or the Mopar speed secrets book and read them and gain some knowledge. Sure its ok to ask questions to see if what you think is right but i guess you have never heard the old saying believe nothing youre told and half of what you see. I agree you need a plan. The mopar speed secrets book will tell you exactly what Chrysler engineers do to run a specific number with a certain weight car with every size motor. you can use these formulas by educated engineers who know mopars and substitute similar parts. Then you will learn what works together and what doesnt. I started out just like you. This advise would have saved me thousands of dollars spent redoing things.DD