318 tunnel ram street friendly?

in fact bud i have had my car for 6 years now go it when i was 12. ive been aquiring parts since age 15. right now im just window shopping. and asking questions and gaining knowledge im asking if tunnel rams are street friendly not how to make a list and plan it out. and im not ''all over the place' as you say it. im just trying to be a rugular poster. if i have a question i rely on you guys to help me. not give me BS answers like form a plan. and how am i supposed to form a plan without knowing what parts to buy?

OK, I wasn't going to add to this, but, I had to deal with the dough-heads at O'Reilly's today, so maybe I'm a little testy and you fell into my crosshairs...

I'm going to agree with the rest that to build a good car you need a plan. I do remember what it was like to be young and dream about being a street hero. I also totally support you in your efforts to gain KNOWLEDGE and ask questions. BUT! Before you go getting all cocky and saying things like, "in fact bud" or acting like you're entitled because you've owned (?) your car since you were twelve, perhaps you can explain what you have been doing for the past six years to refine your skills? To say that you lost a beater because the IDIOT light didn't tell you the oil was low simply tells me you're not learning the basics. Maybe you should figure out what YOU want to be before you figure out what YOUR car should be? I for one am growing weary of posers and wanna be's. Learn the basics. Learn how things work. Be responsible. I don't wanna hear how you ended your life in a wall because you didn't know how to install a carb return spring on your awesome 318 or check the brake fluid on your new disc brake conversion......
That's the IN fact, bud.