Which coolant and mixture is best?

Hi guys. So I have a 318 from a 77 charger and since I'm new to mopar I'm not sure what coolant will be best. I am running aluminum parts so I figured using dexcool was best. I'm running a little hot so I'm
gonna change out the water pump for more flow. Any recommendations on which coolant to use and what water to coolant ratio? I'll also be using a water wetter. Thanks!

Oh I live in Vegas so not worried about freezing...just need it to run normal in 100+ heat. Thanks!

DO NOT run dexcool. If it aerates it will get chunky. There are class action suits against GM for Dexcool. You live in Vegas you don't need anti freeze. Anti Freeze does not transfer heat as well as water or water with coolant additive.

Read here for a real comprehensive test of anti freeze vs. various coolant additives: http://www.turbomagazine.com/features/0703_turp_cooling_system_additives/test_results.html

From the test:
"For the best in overall cooling when mixed with water alone, Justice Brothers' Radiator Cooler takes the lead. Its cruising and freeway temperatures were the lowest, which is where we spent most of our test time."

Run Justice Brothers Super Radiator Cool p/n RC/22P and Cooling System Protector pn CSP/1P to better protect against corrosion of aluminum and iron components and better lubricate the water pump.