Help setting valves on a 225

Even though I am replacing my /6 in my 72 Duster for a 360(sorry fellow /6 friends but the /6 in it is shot,if it wasnt I would keep it =\)I decided to try this after reading this thread.I found that it wasnt very hard at all doing it SlantSixDans way.It took awhile to get use to turning the ratchet(which is what I used)while it is jerking up and down while the car is running.It took me 30 mins,since I had to turn off the car once in awhile(it smokes bad from bad rings and didnt feel like chocking,lol)With one hand on the feeler gauge and one to turn the wrench,I just moved the feeler in and out quickly while tightening and loostening the bolt on the rocker arm until I had the correct drag.I found it easier if you have 2 feeler gauge sets,or 2 seperate gauges so you can just use one for the exhaust valve,put it down,pick up the other for the intake valve.And the oil splash is very very minimal,in fact i didnt have any splash at all.Just make sure its at a low idle.And if you remove the valve cover carefully,usually the gasket is still good enough to use again.So do it Dans way,after all,hes not SlantSixDan for nothing,lol.Besides,this is also the way it tells you to adjust them in the tune up books.Do it the way MaMopar recommends and it will be much better.Doing it with the engine off while grunting and turning the crank manually sounds more of a pain in the *** than doing it while the cars running.
My /6 is much quieter now,too bad the rings are bad in it ,but I did learn to adjust valves =) and if I ever do get another /6 car,I will know how to do it and not be nervous.