318 tunnel ram street friendly?

you guys dont understand what im saying.................i check my oil once every month and change it once every two months..... im not here to get bashed when you cant read the simple message i type. all i want is knowledge and not smart *** answers but. I respect you guys to death for supplyoing me with all the knowledge i ahve right now and i thank you for the help but these im a dipstick comments arent really helping me any. just showing me that some of you guys are just as childish as the guys over on moparts. i thought this site was more of a grownup site but i guess i was wrong. :angry7:

Really? OK, the dipstick remark was just poking fun. Not meant to harm anyone. Grow thicker skin and don't get butt hurt. If you get ribbed because you messed up, take it like a man. My friends still hammer me about the mistakes I've made. It's all in fun.

If you're expecting an apology for the second part, it ain't gonna happen. Reread what I wrote. It's a simple message. LEARN THE BASICS. You have an oil loss problem and only check your level once a month? You expect a pressure switch to tell you when it's low? Really? Did I misread that?
I see that you have another thread started about your misfortune, but you aren't taking responsibility for the problem. Now THAT'S grownup.