RIP Ronnie James Dio

I bought my first A body in 84' when I was 17 . It was a 69' convertible GT Dart with a 318 for $200 bucks. Everything factory stock except for the 8-track tape player .

After I bought it I was going over it looking for any left-over goodies that the previous owner may have left behind ....nothing in the trunk or under the seats . Then I popped open the glovebox and inside was one 8-track....Black Sabbath's , Heaven and Hell with Ronnie James Dio......SCORE !!!

Since that was the only 8 track tape I had... that summer was spent cruisin' with the top down , listening to Dio/Sabbath , smokin' bongs and drinkin' beer !!! :headbang::headbang::headbang:

If I was really stoned the 3 and a 1/2 foot bong would ride shotgun ( seat belted in of course ) but most of the time it was hidden in the folds of the convertible top... when it was down !!!

And here is a little secret for owners of A-Bodies only...The Beer on the other hand was hidden up in the cowl vent...via those little vent doors under the dash . Six beers stuffed up each side ....the beers would actually dispense just like a pop machine about the ultimate hiding spot for a 12 pack !!! There was a rust hole in the floor pan for inconspicuous diposal of the empty cans ( the evidence ) ! Disclaimer : Crossram does not endorse Drinking and Driving

Frequently got pulled over by the Cops who performed many illegal search and seizures..... but they never did get any seizures...Ha ! Ha ! Good thing they never looked outside the car in the cowl vent between the wiper blades ( if you had a full 12 pack hidden you could see the beers in the vent between the back of the hood and the bottom of the windshield ) !

Anyway that was one of the best summers of my life....good times...cruisin , boozin' ,and listening to Dio .....Rest in peace Ronnie ....

[ame=""]YouTube- 1983 Ronnie James Dio "Man On The Silver Mtn" (Rock Palace)[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Dio-The Last In Line[/ame]

( Photo is me doing yard work in the Dart.... across from "High" School )

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