Grenaded the rear end in the Cuda! BIG TIME

We went for a drive tonight and made our way out to a small tavern 10 mile's out side of town. When we left I pulled out on the 4 lane and decided to nail it in 1st then shifted to 2nd and KA BOOM the gears were gone! At first I thought the drive shaft fell out but after looking everything was still hooked up. I have heard that sound before in m 427 vette with a 4 speed. The ring and pinion are FUBAR. I had to get a flat bed to come get it and bring the Cuda home. Luckily I have 3 other center sections to replace it with.

Something is wrong! I'm not sure if the pinon angle is off or what but that shouldn't of happened.

I'll have to take a good look at the situation, I've got something out of wack!