Need to know stat...m-body 8 1/4

Wilnutt, You could probably get away with using it, although you MIGHT have to get different wheels for the rear with more back spacing, that is what I did to make my B body 8 3/4 rear work in my 73 Dart (I further improved wheel well lip to tire spacing by narrowing the rear end {myself} by 3/4 inches on each side. Guess I just don't know anything, eh :shaking2:

Ace said
Bite me Kraby. The answer is in the measurements I posted. Eveyone knows you are the renowned expert on everything. That's why you cannot answer a simple question without trying to confuse the issue with your h0rsesh1t about track widths and backspacing.

Willnut just wanted to know about measurements and fitment of a part. As usual you just confused the issue with all your expert knowledge. Then you get huffy when someone who actually understands the question and knows the answer makes you look stupid. Again.

You further demonstrate what a you are.
What's the matter, Paul, spend to much time in the fAIRy force, so you gotta come here and smell up the threads with your drival.

I am not, and do not, confuse anything.
Willnut asked "what would i need to do to make a m-body 8 1/4 fit?"
Fishy replied with a comment about the track widths being the same.
I stated track width should not be used to make a decision on whether it would fit and why.
Then you, with your weak ego brought on by the fact that you spent too much time in a division of the military that requires 6 guys to do what it takes 1 guy in ANY of the other armed forces to do, felt a need to jump in and act like the rear of above pictured animal.
As far as your statement "the answer is in the measurements I posted"
NO, it isn't.
You posted a link to a chart that DOES NOT list an M body rearend housing flange to flange width.
You DID NOT post a FLANGE TO FLANGE measurement of the M body rear housing.
The only part of your post at all, aside from the link, that was useful to the guy was the statement that your piece of crap had an M body rear in it when you got it and it didn't fit well at all.
Had you left it at that, instead of trying to make your opinion of what I posted known, there would have been zero problems. But you are ignorant and you had to prove it. So, NOW, WHO LOOKS STUPID? That's right, you should be looking in a mirror when YOU say that.

Owning a, c body, and a couple of dodge pickups, and one Duster (which you have only owned a little more than a year) does NOT make you the premiere expert on mopars. I have lived and breathed mopars ALL of my life and I am no expert, so don't even begin to pretend you know more than everyone else.

I will make a deal with you, apoligize and I will forgive your mistake. Otherwise do not respond to ME, do not comment on ME or ANYTHING I post, do not refrence ANYTHING AT ALL in regards to me, NOT EVEN INDIRECTLY, and I will reciprocate in kind, then nobody will have to deal with your crap, and I won't have to get nasty towards you. If you have some sorta personal beef with me, come on up to Fargo and we can deal with it in person, otherwise as I originaly stated, STFU.