Ever stumble on a good deal for a used part

Pop and drove into a buddy's scrap yard one day and saw a rear end hanging from his lot wrecker. Next to it lay a '68 Dart all rotted out.

"Hey, Jimmy, that rear out of the Dart?"

"Yup." He was going to scrap the rear.

Pop and I took a look: 8 3/4 Sure Grip. 3.23s.

"How much you want for it?"

"I don't know. How's $50 sound."

Pop couldn't get his wallet out fast enough.

Scored a sharktooth from the same guy. He had a second lot he was clearing out so he could sell the land and we were over there checking some things out. At the top of a pile of about six cars we could see the sharktooth grinning at us.

"Hey, Jimmy, how much you want for that grille?"

"If you want to climb that stack of cars and get it, it's yours."

I couldn't climb fast enough.