new battery
If you have a "Batteries Plus" store near you, they have a nice all black battery for about $50. You can even peel the stickers off the sides and put a Mopar sticker on it of your choosing and it looks nice, almost like it belongs there for cheap...the black Mopar Performance stickers look best you get with parts. One across the top blends in nicely without screaming "aftermarket Autozone battery" or "Optima"!!
I've got an Optima that came in my car I bought and it's crapping out on me, but to be fair I didnt buy it new and I think it's been left dead and jumped alot...which can kill them. I was going to do this but I got a good deal on a gently used maint. free reproduction green cap I'm going with...
Just my opinion, I tend to lean toward the more subtle look...