True Stories From The Shop ... Men are So Funny

Your first story about the lesbian bikers and Billy standing behind them reminds me of when I worked at Midas.

As tech we were our own service writers. It was our job to talk to the customers and explain what was going on, try to sell the job, and then do the line work also.

We had a young lady come in, all 5 foot nothing of her. Very cute, wearing a push up bra, purple with lace. Yeah, you could see the top of her bra as well as the ripe, firm...well, you get the picture.

I'm not a tall guy, just 5'9", but still had to look down at her to speak to her. As I'm explaining to her what he car needed it's very hard to look her in the eye, what with those ripe, firm...well, you get the picture- and purple lace bra showing.

To make matters worse, she's the only customer at the moment. Two of the guys are lined up at the counter in the shop, watching another co-worker stand behind her, making pelvic thrusts, flicking his tongue, and generally being an ***, trying to get me to crack up. It was very hard to concentrate on her, as a customer, not look at the view she was giving me, and watch him standing there doing his thing and listening to the other two guys try not to bust up completely.

As she walked back into the waiting area I excused myself to go out
back and bust out, but not before I threw the clipboard at him.

We also had a woman come in who needed a ton of work done to her high dollar Asian SUV. She had smoked the brakes so bad that both front calipers were shot. The only thing clamping the rotor was the backings of all four pads up front and the rear brakes weren't working at all looking at the large ball of rust that were the rear rotors. So I quoted for C(alipers) P(pads) R(otors) all the way around, plus the added labor of the bleed time on the system. I also noticed that her oil change was due and a few other maintainence items.

I quoted her the price and she hemmed and hawed with the idea of the high price being that she was a woman and how could she be sure that I wasn't seeking to take advantage of the fact. Even after I showed her that the rear weren't working and that the fronts had basically locked up. So I haggled a bit. Took off the extra bleed time and told her I'd throw the oil change and air filter in for free. She needed brakes!

She started talking about the idea of taking the car and having her husband come back with her to go over the estimate.

Told her, that's fine. But if she did I'd charge her husband full price for everything. She quickly signed the estimate.