What headers work, and what don't?

I stand corrected on the starter then. My Jegs also use the stock starter and stock oil filter and both will go off and on w/o that much drama. I say crappy tongue in cheek. I personally don't think the $100 Jegs headers are crappy at all. They are every bit worth 1/2 as much as the TTis if you ask me. If you ask me the coated TTis should be about $500 and they should sell raw ones for $300. Then I'd think about it.

The $300 carb is actually a great example. There is much more engineering, cost, and assembly time in a 4bbl carb and they are $300. Headers for more then twice that seems out of line IMO. The factory manifolds are not a good comparison as they are a collector piece, some folks have to have those parts for a resto and they didn't make enough to match supply.

thing is that there is a price on quality ,making something like a set of headers cheap means you cant have perfect fit and quality. making something quick and with less presision will always be cheaper, cheap headers are hit or miss for a fact.
i think there is a reason why carbs are less costly compared when you consider how long a carb may have been around and how many the company may have sold since it was developed.
i build exhaust stuff everyday and making a set of headers that look good and being able to duplicate them time after time will take a lot of development time and expensive equipment. one old but good used mandrelbender with all the tooling is easily over 100000$ and thats not even a boostermaching wich is what you want for building headers for this kind of car and that is also part of the price when there is a company making headers for just one brand of cars :(