63 dart heater core

Yep, I was searching under Dart, Go figure. I can get one for a valiant that is the same as the dart but, no reference for the dart. Someone at NAPA needs to do parts interchange updates. Thanks for the replies everyone.
My core blew a hole in it going down the freeway and my windshield instantly fogged over, thankfuly I was close to a checker store and bypassed it. once I got where I was going. On the way home I noticed the temp gauge going up and pulled over again.......messy, messy, messy, I didn't get the radiator cap on straight. I had antifreeze everywhere. Dripping off the hood, filled up my intake crevices, all over the the place! Needless to say, I spent a good amount of time cleaning it all up. Nothing like a nice uneventful sunday drive!!

P.S. Moparlee that blue paint just looks plain killer!! Beautiful