CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!
I was going to say 6cyl because of it looking like 4 lugs per wheel.
You are right!!!
Shows how much I know about rustangs!
Man was that thing a ***** to get out of that lady's yard!!!!
Total lawn job in about 20 places while I was moving FOTO for different wench pulls!
No wheels rolling. Had to jack it out of the deep holes it had sunk in. 3 trips to her house yesterday to find wheel correct lugs to put on rear tires, only had 2 so I put 1 lug nut on each rear wheel. Bout pulled my wench off the truck zig zaggin the car across the yard due to wheels not spinning and would not pull straight no matter what!!
I finally got it where I could drag onto the truck but the wheels not spinning made my ramps keep pushing up onto the truck. Car would not go onto the ramps!! 2 trys, went home cussing. Called the local tow truck service to get a roll back out there. ($70.00 for 20 mile tow) Went with and saw the driver almost loose his truck and the mustang into a ravine/creek!!! He lifted the bed off the ground and his Ebrake slipped and off the truck went!! I never seen a 300lb man move so fast, like a gazzell!!! He jumped straight up in air, when landing feet already running!!! He caught it in the nick of time!!!
Finally got it home. Has all parts except seats & bumpers.
That lady's job is cursed! I went to fire FOTO this AM, had a guy and me going to scrap a huge pile of steel sheeting from the same property but FOTO had an electrical smell, then all bed clearence lights and taillights went out!! Still have brake lights but when I turn off headlight switch the top of cab lights stay on when ignition is on!!
I'm going to try a headlight switch as soon as stores open. I hope that fixes it. This was first job I had to do and even found another unemployed guy to help me when he called my ad in paper trying to sell me his car! He's ready to work too! Already called me this AM!!
Hope I get it fixed this AM, we both could use the $$!8)
Have a good day today chryslerfat! Don't worry, not keeping the mustang even though ABB already eyeing it! :love7:
I ran and put it on CL as a parts car sale!! Hope to get calls today and get it outta here before she wants me to restore this one too!! LOL!!!
Had to laugh, that ABB thinks I can fix anything!!! LMBO!!!!:-D