my 20k post, making memories

I truly don't think all of you know how much this site and the members in it has changed my life, I can read and write better and my day's are filled with so much love and friendship because of this great bunch of folk's Joey has gathered here :happy10: My wife and two son's and brother Ken are active member's here now :cheers:

Some of you don't know this but Sid OldVart helped me along with staying here when I could not spell good and was scared of my own shadow, Thank you my Canadian friend :happy10: so I stayed and onehellofadart Tony sent me info on a spell check I depend on, Thank you Tony 8) Tinyspell has helped me so much sir.
Then there is a multitude of folks here that are way way to large to add :read2:
Small Block "Bill Stone" has made it possible for me to see the country and get out more then I ever have it seem's and made things in life so easy for me to enjoy, my first time to ever go to Monster Mopar Week End and let Treva and I in there home and life :happy10:
I remember the day that I got to see my part's on another site :happy10:
It may sound childish but PHOENIX SPECIALTY COATINGS has a web site and it was so cool to see something of mine there shinning with new life.
I am trying to make this short but I have many great friends here :happy10:
Joe "ramcharger" one of many folks here has made me feel like a real person that is doing more then asking for help tec wise or just shooting the $h!! with and enjoy a few songs and cold one's with Thank you Joe :happy10:
And I know have friends from all around the world Hawaii, Finland, Germany all the way to Australia and many friend's in Canada :cheers:
Grumpuscreature and his wife Mary has been so cool to spend time with here and on the phone and he has kept me in line on my /6 build along with Frank known here as 66aCUDA and Charley_S and Dan.
Sister C 6pak C is what she lets me call her has been so much fun learning things here together :happy10:
I can't stop with out saying thanks to all the folk's that sent Victoria to me and Tony Fields and his wall of Victoria and DRENO :toothy10: You are such a cool and fun new member here. I am blest with so many great new friends I can't believe how many I have here.
dardevil you are such a hoot for me bud and inkjunkie and like I said why to many to applaud here for there fellow ship and support :happy10:

My fingers and neck is on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so humbled by my friend Nella :happy10::hello2::hello2::blob:
to all the folks I did not name here I am sure you understand that you are all in this list of great folks that has filled my life, and I want to thank brother Ken for turning me on to this computer thing that made it possible for me to have a new way of life, They say your life is 10% better by having one and using it.
How about some memory lane pictures for this 20.000 post
Here is the one I sold to help get my new home built on the hill, Then before the old home was sold I took pictures of Victoria there at the same place.
The pile of letters and donations from the great folks here.
If you like you can add a story of your own and poke me all you like 8)
The more the better, Yall are the greatest, and please forgive me because I know I did not mention all my friends here, It would be like counting straws of hay in a hay bail. Last but not least picture is for my friend Noel , I have enjoyed a few :drinkers: with

I better get this thread up before Joey does a update after all this typing :happy10:







