Captainkirk's Duster project

are we making progress captain:dontknow: I was hoping to have this sunday off so I could get my scamp in primer, but the boss said no dice](*,)( I haven't had a day off in 3 months):angry7: so I guess I'll have to try to shoot it early one day, re block it another, then pray :angel9: it's straight enough for paint another day:sad11::sad11::sad11:but I would like to have a full day off to do the paint:angry7: then maybe I can turn my pile of parts into a car that I can drive:burnout: keep us updated capt:cheers:

I have updates!....but you will have to wait until the middle of the week to hear about them! :-D

Gotta go.....The Duke is calling. And when John Wayne calls, boy, you'd better answer!8)