Gerahead's 71 Dart

Finally had a chance to spend some quality time with the project this weekend. :cheers: I had intended to get the entire interior stripped of the spray bomb primer and get it done with a couple of good coats of epoxy. You would think that by now I would know better than to think like that. As is typically the case......estimate how much time a project will take....triple it and you should be pretty close. The not-so-smooth nature of the floor really is a time bandit! I really only got the back seat platform, cross braces and inner wheel wells done. I used a knotted wire wheel on a grinder and while effective, didn't work anywhere near as well as I'd hoped. Tried a flap wheel (60 grit) and it just got clogged up with the bomb primer.

What have you guys used? The floor is a little flatter, so I think I can make better use of my air sander and disks except for the grooves and such. Under the dash, above the factory primer line, there is a fair amount of surface rust from apparent water leaks. I think that I can do a lot of that with a right angle die grinder and 3" sanding disks.

Anyway, after I got the platform cleaned off, I followed it with a good bath in wax and grease remover and then layed on coat of POR 15. Once it got tacky, I layed down a couple good coats of Omni gray epoxy primer. Last night was beautiful here for painting. About 78 and no wind and low humidity with no bugs. The bad thing is that is was too still. There was no flow through air, so the overspray just hung in the garage. I'll post a couple of pix later this evening. It feels good to be making progress, even if it is slow.
