Gerahead's 71 Dart

Hay there Jim !! A little at a time bud,8) That's the why for me 8)
I am so glad you are moving forward and enjoying this great site :cheers:
It sounds like you did a good job on he floor's and you will enjoy the quite ride and be happy with the floor work you have dun. I will be doing mine soon and lower 1/4's next winter.
But this year I am going to keep it on the road and do some easy installs.
My 66 Valiant "Victoria was down for 8 months :clock::clock: seemed like a life time ,and now I finely have her back on the road again. Keep moving forward even if you think it's going slow it's still moving forward :happy10:
Looking forward to your next move
Your Arkansas friend memike :happy10: