Getting Married

LOL My wife is a fan of anything American with big whoppin balls and a stick.
That's why I'm in the picture, LOL!
Seriously, she wants a her Stang back, though she'll take a host of cars on a long list of "I can live with that" cars.

I don't care what she likes or wants, as long as it's old iron/rear wheel drive, we like it.

That's funny, Rob.

Congrats, BW!

You've got a keeper.

My wife is pretty well clueless when it comes to building cars, but I have taught her to listen to her dailies and get a feel for them. Now when a noise pops up, she's all over it, letting me know what she's she's hearing.

And since she insisted on a place with a garage she's now on me to finish up a couple of projects in a hurry and go shopping for one for her. She wants a '40s car that we can build, together, into a rod for her. (And that's the stipulation for my own projects, too: if she wants to drive 'em then she has to get dirty on 'em.)