Hey, Could this work on our dashes as well? (pics. kinda big, sorry)
I got to thinking about this, I think that everyone (whether your interested in the article or not) who posts to these boards should contact MoparMuscle online, specificly the online editor, and ask that this article be posted up in their Tech section so that people who don't have that issue or are unable to track it down, can view it in a legitimate way, then we can just post a link to it for future refrence. Their online editor is
[email protected], send him an e-mail requesting the article "Gauging Your Limitations" from pages 10 and 11 of the November 1992 issue of Mopar Muscle be placed into their online tech section. If enough of us request it I am sure they will put it up on the site. Just more food for thought. I already sent an e-mail to him requesting it. Thanks to all who help get this done, it is a worthy article to have online, in my opinion.