onecatnodog has found you
I would like to again thank all the Prowler Owners that have made their cars avaiable to me for shoots, waiting for hours at a time just so I can get pictures to post up on this site and other sites that I play on or use in my calendars that I do... Also I would like to thank the Prowler Girls for there scarafice of getting all fixed up to wait around till there turn to be photographed... IS IT WORTH IT? You will have to be the judge of that, and sometimes I wonder myself... Again, I pay NO ONE INVOLVED... Car owners and Prowler Girls do it with out any money changing hands... I pay no place that I shoot monies for allowing me to shoot there.. Yes it's true that I am not a pro picture taker, that the ladies posing are not pro models... One thing for sure is that it's a lot of work... Fun yes, but a lot of work... People doing this as a pro make good money but they have BIG EXPENSES... They rent cars ,go rent a prowler and see just what that costs... Rent models, as they make $100.00 or more a hour... Pay places to shoot at can you imagine what the Stanly Hotel costs that I shot at last year, try around $5,000.00 ...Pay a camera man $250.00- $500.00 a shoot... Pay a planer to put it all together ... You all that have been involved in making this happen for me have been so good to me, asking and receiving nothing while I shoot away... It's true that you get some great pictures of your cars at cool places that I post, and the girls if they do 3 different shoots at 3 different locations get a picture portfolio that if they had to pay for would cost them around $1,800 dollars... Thanks you all for your time, effort, as it has been a great ride... John(onecatnodog)