What effect does a larger or smaller diamter have?

Thanks for those links. Very imformative! The auto trans/TQ has been a bit of a mystery to me thus far. There is some great info for me to chew over.

It can't be easy living across the Pacific ocean and getting these parts. I can see why you wuld be very careful and slow to get anything. Theres a few areas of building a car that some will jump up and shout, this is an area where you just do not skimp. This would be one of them if your getting serious about racing the car. Purchasing a "Econo" C-verter could be OK for a dual purpose machine or a lightly raced car where the racer isn't so serious about chasing the money with victories.

There isn't much in the way of prize money round these parts. (hell, we're lucky if we get one meeting a month here) I just do it for fun. Hence not having a monster budget.
Since I don't have a monster cam, I don't think I'll be needing a big dollar converter. But (as I said in my 1st post) after driving my dads car with a big stick and no hi-stall I'm sold on the idea. The really frustrating part is our dollar only being worth around 67c US at the moment. Thats a real hinderence. That plus freight makes what I pay for a "cheap" unit where you are the same cost as you guys buying a decent unit.

Getting a little off my original topic, but ae there any brands to avoid like the plague?