Hey y'all, I just wanted to chime in and thank the many people who are helping the Young Guns along the way to proud Mopar ownership. From Leanna, who puts so much of her self into this contest and her business, to the many generous donors of prizes, you guys all ROCK!!!

Please don't think Nella has forgotten about giving her acceptance speech as this month's winner, but with only 2 weeks until school is out, she has her hands full with end of the year school work. Her time on the computer right now is spent finishing a semester long project about Venezuela. She has many pages to type, and with an onscreen keyboard and a joystick mouse, she just can't type very fast. Her project is due tomorrow. I will make sure she gets on and thanks everyone here who has given their time, energy and commitment to making this contest so great!!! She was really excited to win something, although she is just as happy just to be a part of FABO and have so many friends here looking out for her. We'll have some time on the weekend to chime in. Until then, thanks again everybody for all your hard work and commitment to the Young Guns. You'll never be sorry you sowed the seeds to help out the Young Guns, they'll make us all proud!!! Geof