Who lives near Buffalo?

All right fellas. My wife and I are starting to seriously talk about moving back north. I'm from PA and she's from Long Island originally. I moved down here to go to Clemson in 98 and have been working down here since graduating in 02. I/We have had just about enough of this damn heat (93 with the heat index yesterday and its only June!) I've got a sister in Amherst and my parents are in Elicottville and it seems like it would be a good move. I miss the snow believe it or not.

So, enough of me rambling. What can you locals tell me about the area as far as where I should stay away from as far as buying a house? I would imagine my wife will be working in the city since shes a banker and I would like to keep her to about a 30 min commute if possible. Ideally I'd like to have at least an acre and about a 1800 sq ft house. I know the taxes are quite a bit more up there but I'll figure all that out later. Any info is appreciated as always!