Have a good day folk's

Hope you´ll have a great time , Mike
Hey Ram, will you have a vid of the first fire up later?
Good luck, and be careful.

I was too dang beat to get it in last night so I took care of all the little stuff that needed to be done. If I get it running today you can be sure I'll post a vid. :)

I sure will when the time comes avarageerod :happy10:
Here is a picture I will share with you :-D This guy was walking around everywhere so ya know I had to get us a picture of Captain Sparrow :cheers:

Looks you had fun last night! More fun than I did, that's for sure, lol. I need to get out more but everything's a dang emergency. :-D Ah, such is life. :clock: I wonder Captain Jack has such worries?