Anyone Ever Have Tendinitis?

I don't have tendinitis, I have epicondilitis and ulnar nerve impingement in my left elbow. Basically what I have requires Tommy John surgery to repair a million little tears in my tendon.

Here's what you can do, though: get a brace. The best one's I've found are at Walgreen's. These wrap around your elbow and support the muscles above and below. I go through a few of these a year.

You need to stretch before each work out, a series of them holding your arm straight, them hold your hand up, palm forward, and pull back on your fingers, slowly. Do it again with your hand down, palm inward, pulling in on the back of your hand, slowly. Now with arm still outstretched point your fingers forward and reach around the hand with your other hand and twist slightly. Remember, the idea is to stretch, not strain.

Also lay off the reps for a little while and find something else to do, until the elbow has a chance to catch up.

Ice alone doesn't work. If you have a double sink in your kitchen like most folks, fill one with ice water, the other with hot water. Dunk in one, holding for a few minutes, then the other. Repeat a few times.

Good luck.