Disapearing classified adds ?

You know, I'm all about following the rules but they can always be 'bent' a little as well. I dealt directly with jeffstrad on a purchase from one of his ads and he was straight up about everything. He had some great parts at some great prices and I'm going to be sorry to see him go away. I certainly don't see any need for this type of response.
As far as the location question, how hard is it to check someones personal information and find their zip code? A few seconds and you what part of the country you're going to be dealing with. Besides, as stated in his ad, the freight was covered in his selling price.

I guess I dont understand why it is so hard for some people to just add their location into the ad. Why is that such a problem?

My ads say (price) shipped to your door US only......... I dont know if its california or new york......... which cost alot different to ship! and I take paypal which has my address......lol. but you send a pm it will be deleted if no "ship" location....... LOL... Im sucking up the shipping cost regardless where it goes which helps out the buyer! for future reference ANYONE who is interested in buying a part off of me go to cuda-challenger.com and post up if I am a good seller or not OR if i have ever skrewed anyone!.......... Ive sold TONS of stuff there! feel free to post up! I have sold alot overseas as well.... yes I am offended!

Have a nice day! my handle is sledgehammer over there.......... since I have a"0" feedback over here....

The feedback is brand new, just a few days since being implemented. Most members have '0' feedback right now. So dont take it personal.

The location rules were put into place at the repeated request of many members.

Folks - you have to understand something. The rules were put into place for a reason. There always COULD be exceptions, but at the end of the day we have chosen to have the rules in place and basically only ask that you follow them for your FREE ad. They aren't that complicated.

Give us a price, a location and a decent description. WHAT is so hard about that where we need to worry about 'bending' the rules? I dont get it.